5 Things We've Been Watching: June 2019
5 Things We've Been Watching : June 2019
We love video here at PEG (obviously) and talk about it pretty much non-stop. So, we wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a conversation or gave us a little inspiration over the last month.
THIS is what girls are made of.
Why it’s a thing: Full disclosure here. I am a female sports fan - I am sports fan. And these spots from the Braves are the way you should be talking to sports fans, female or not. They are so well done and focus on all the right parts of fandom. Here's hoping other teams take note.
How to Not Suck at Color
Why it’s a thing: These are good lessons for anyone. From videos to PowerPoint presentations, you don't want to make anyones eyes bleed. These simple to understand tips and tricks make you look like you know what you are doing when it comes to composing sleek, beautiful and easy to read graphic elements.
[ yellow tail ] - Tastes Like Happy
Why it’s a thing: This seems so simple. But it's a really nice and easy way to incorporate brand graphics into a video-based piece. It's clean, but gets the point across and looks bright and fresh. Plus, it's an easy way to get people's attention to exactly where want.
Budweiser | For The Fathers Who Stepped Up
Why it’s a thing: Budweiser has been a one brand wrecking ball for the tear ducts. They are killing it with these beautiful sentimental (yes, you will cry at this one, too.) spots recently . The best part about these is they are not focused on the beer, but on the people. The product is secondary, but these spots are so impactful, that you won't forget it anytime soon.
A Designer’s Airport for the Jet Age
Why it’s a thing: This is just a fun look back at a fully-animated piece for Washington Dulles airport from 1958. Since the airport wasn't actually built yet, animation was the perfect way to go. It's a great mix of these cartoony "lifestyle" animations and the informational layouts of the soon-to-be-built airport. The article is a good reference for why this piece itself, designed by Charles and Ray Eames, but also why the airport design itself has stood the test of time.
Honorable Mentions
Nike, Coca-Cola and Amazon feature in YouTube's Cannes Lions 2019 ads leaderboard
Steven Spielberg is writing a horror series that can only be watched after dark