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5 Things We've Been Watching: August 2018

5 Things We've Been Watching : August 2018

We love video here at PEG (obviously) and talk about it pretty much non-stop. So, we wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a conversation or gave us a little inspiration over the last month.

How Movie Trailers Manipulate You

Watch It Here Why it’s a thing: The movie trailer business is bigger than ever. And this is a fun look at how companies use things like sound design and music selection to trick you into feeling exactly how they want you to (and hopefully convince you to see the movie in the process).  

Chase the Dream :60 second

Watch It Here Why it’s a thing: This spot from Farmer's National Bank is both story driving and aesthetically pleasing. Few things are better than beautiful spot that tells a beautiful story.  

A Place Like No Other

Watch It Here Why it’s a thing: This piece was a rather unexpected amusement park commercial. Instead of using just fast cuts of people screaming on rides like you might expect, they slow down the pace and focus on the people and the experience.  

The Insufferable Pain of the Personal Project

Watch It Here Why it’s a thing: As an office full of creative people, this is a a struggle we have all felt at one point or another. This fun, animated piece from James Ward is very easy to relate to.  

Magic Leap One Website

Watch It Here Why it’s a thing: Not only is this technology pretty cool, this website is just visually stunning.  

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